I am a passionate coder pursuing Computer Science Graduate student of Santa Clara University, who loves to learn new technologies.

My Skills & Interests:
Languages: C++, Java, JavaScript, Python.
Web Development: React.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Figma.
App Development: Android Studio, React Native, Visual Studio Code.

My Experience


Research Assistant
TechStack: React.js, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform

Designed and Deployed a website for aromyx cooperation. Added various custom features for its users to improve the website experience.
Integrated Google Firebase and Google Cloud Platform as server-site for the data accessibility and security.

Opal Chat App,

Software Intern
TechStack: React Native, JavaScript, DynamoDB.

Deploying a native application for Android and IOS for Opal Chat. Developed resusable components and screens for the application.
Implementing dashboards to view the user’s statistics & provide great insights, using React.js, JSX, and Figma.

Three Stories,

Software Intern
TechStack: Android Studio, Java, Sql, FireBase, Json

Published an android application that showcases novels, poems and articles with user friendly and simple UI. Daily updates from the firebase are showcased in the application.

My Recent Projects

Dog Adoption Website

TechStack: Ruby, JavaScript, PostGreSQL.

Deployed a pet adoption website using ruby with end to end user authorization and cart data storage. Used PostGreSQL queries to implement authentication, data credibility and accessibility.

Online Betting Website

TechStack: Rails, Sinatra, SQL, Heroku

Deployed a Betting website with features like User Authentication, Session storage & history storage. Used Routing and authentication tools to accurately authorize the bettings and store them in the user's session.

Water Release Information System

Smart India Hackathon.
TechStack: Android Studio, Firebase, Javascript, Maps API

Designed an android app and website to broadcast the water release information from dams in the vicinity and help people evacuate.
Integrated Google Maps API along with messages to get exact location of the people in the vicinity of the dams and send alerts on their devices.